Monday, March 11, 2019


Random thoughts on writing, my writing:

I've never questioned why my novels are set in earlier times, have only followed my instinct to set my stories 50 or 60 years ago. A burden comes with that decision: research. But I compose from character, and when I'm beginning a project I don't worry about getting the facts straight, or about the research that will inevitably be necessary. I just write. In a strange way, when a character is really yammering at me, it's like taking dictation, and I get as much down as I can before collapsing into bed, both excited and worn out.

Have noticed recently that my short stories are, for the most part, future set. Just observing here, not judging, but fascinated that my long works (novels ) are set in the past and my short works (stories) are set in the future. Wonder what a psychologist would make of that.

I have advice Scotch-taped to the top of my monitor: "Trust the process. Let go of the results." That's something I've repeated to the members of my writing groups (the three I led for many years and the one in which I have been led for 32 years now). It's time, once again, to heed that comment.

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